First created over 40 years ago, Davidoff little cigars are now the most popular short, quick cigars in the world!
Davidoff Demi Tasse - The cigarillo of choice for those who prefer a mild, yet aromatic and full-bodied smoke. Including only top-quality Indonesian, Brazilian and Caribbean tobaccos, the cigarillo is hand-crafted with an Indonesian binder leaf and an exquisite Sumatra wrapper.
Davidoff Escurio - With inspiration found in the rhythms, intrigue, and rich experiences of a night in Rio, this exciting Brazilian cigar delivers an intense, spicy sweet experience coupled with Davidoff's signature refinement and sophistication.
Davidoff Long Panatellas - Slim and elegant, Davidoff Long Panatellas divulge a mild and rather more prolonged smoke. A blend of three different tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil and the Caribbean, artisans craft Panatellas with a Java binder leaf and a wrapper from Sumatra.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Gold - Mini Golds contain a blend of premium tobaccos from Indonesia, Brazil and the Caribbean, wrapped in a first-class, hand-selected Sumatran wrapper. The full, harmonious flavor and elegant packaging promise the aficionado an exquisite smoking pleasure.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Nicaragua - Use a Habano-seed Jalapa wrapper, a Sumatran binder and premium Nicaraguan and Dominican filler tobaccos, this intense, flavorful, and extremely satisfying little cigar is going to become your new favorite 5 minute escape.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Platinum - Mini Platinums contain an exotic blend wrapped in a beautiful and aromatic Habana Seed wrapper from Ecuador. It blends flavors of cedar wood and leather with a sublet sweetness and a positive bitterness that underline the character of the cigarillo.
Davidoff Mini Cigarillos Silver - Mini Silvers are, with every breath, as harmonious as the Mini Golds, but they deliver a deliberately lighter smoke. The predominance of lighter varietals of tobacco imparts a smooth, aromatic and contemporary flavor.
Davidoff Primeros Dominican - The Dominican Primeros are hand-rolled with the same outstanding short filaments of the tobacco leaves wrapped in the Davidoff No. 2. The petit format of Primeros buoys the aficionado in search of time beautifully filled.
Davidoff Primeros Dominican Maduro - With a slightly darker, beautifully shiny special Sun wrapper, Primeros Dominican Maduro is a stronger and more aromatic smoke than the original Primeros Dominican.
Davidoff Primeros Escuro - An adventurous cigar that, like the Escurio Mini Cigarillo, is wrapped in the heart and soul of Brazil.
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua - The petit Primeros Nicaragua shares the exclusive stimulating sensation of the larger-sized Davidoff Nicaragua line. This small cigar starts with peppery and spicy notes and, after a couple of puffs, develops into creamy sweetness for a short yet immensely pleasant adventure.
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro - Nicaragua Maduro imparts a more intensive flavor than the original Primeros Nicaragua. The complexity and balance create an extraordinary smoking experience in those moments of escape, whether over lunch or a short break. This small cigar provides similar palate stimulation as the regular Davidoff Nicaragua line, yet is more intense and sweet with amazing chocolate flavors.